Understanding residential tenancy disputes
Residential tenancy disputes are minor civil disputes between tenants and landlords valued up to and including $25,000.
Disputes that QCAT resolves
The Queensland Civil Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) decides a range of residential tenancy disputes between:
- tenants and landlords (lessors) or agents regarding issues including:
- rents
- bonds
- holding deposits
- service charges
- standard of premises
- entry onto the premises
- locks and keys
- re-location of moveable dwellings
- moveable dwelling park rules
- transfer or subletting by tenants
- termination of tenancy agreements
- compensation
- exclusion of people from moveable dwelling parks
- tenancy databases.
- residents and providers of, or agents for, rooming accommodation regarding issues such:
- agreements
- rental bonds
- payments
- house rule changes
- abandoned goods and documents
- applications to end agreements.
Further information
- Search for examples of QCAT decisions about residential tenancy matters
- Residential Tenancies Authority
- Tenant Advice and Advocacy Service
- Tenants’ Union of Queensland
- Property Owners’ Association of Queensland
- Real Estate Institute of Queensland